And the Truth Shall Set You Free… unless you are Greenhouse Jr, or Stafford

Here we go dear readers. The body cam has been released, and the footage is way more heatbreaking than imagined. A late Tuesday night,  in November , Chris Few was pursued by Ward Marshal Norris Greenhouse.  Norris had not called in the reason for the stop, but called for backup minutes later when Chris led him on a short chase. The video footage begins as officer Parnell, of the Marksville Police Department is in his Cruiser arriving on the scene. A white SUV can be seen backing up slowly, and turning perpendicular to the officers already on scene’s cars.  The SUV appears to be  a safe distance from all  police cars.  There is no audio for the first 27 seconds of the video, but as officer Parnell steps from his unit he draws his gun, but doesn’t fire .  When the audio comes on  it is deafening  sirens and a hail of gunfire. An unarmed man, with his hands in the air in surender, is sprayed with 18 bullets from two Marksvile police officers. Eighteen hollow point bullets,  14 of which came from Derrick Stafford and 4 from Norris Greenhouse Jr. Five of those bullets ripped through tiny Jeremy Mardis’s body,  while he sat seat belted into the front seat of his father’s SUV. Chris,  who was hit twice,  slumps over the door,  bloodied and moaning.  Several minutes pass before the officers approach the SUV. One officer, Jason Brouilette can be seen peering in as Officer Parnell, who is the only officer with a body camera turned on, approaches.  It’s very clear from his  gasp and the word “OH” that he sees Jeremy in the passenger seat. Yet, at this point, he turns away from the SUV and returns to where the cars are parked without making any effort to further check on the 6 year old . He whispers “there’s a kid in the car…” to an arriving officers. He continues on to Greenhouse and Stafford, and whispers this to them as well. Greenhouse responds, “don’t tell me that, bro”. Stafford is expressionless. Still it appears no one has checked on Jeremy. Benefit of the doubt : an off camera officer has… but I don’t think so.

The video goes on for just under 14 minutes. At one point three officers are standing at the rear of the SUV, they are discussing the fact that there are two people in the vehicle, one being a “juvenile subject “. In between their words you can hear Chris moaning, at which point he makes the horrific discovery that Jeremy has been shot. His words are, “oh no you shot my little boy in the head”  It is not until around the 8 minute mark, that Sgt. Parnell goes over to the passenger side of the SUV and opens the door. He taps Jeremy on the chest “hey bud, hey bud” he can be heard saying. He then checks for a pulse and returns to the other officers.  Sgt. Parnell asks if they can pull the Juvenile out of the car. The answer he gets is quite distressing. “I don’t want to touch anything until Acadian gets here”,   “But… he has a pulse” Parnell pleads. Now let me digress a bit, from very early on everyone on the scene has been on a search for gloves.  We know there are some present, but the officers seem to have a really hard time keeping track of them and getting their sausage fingers into them. The fumbling begins again, with Chris in the back ground,  on the pavement bleeding. He is still conscious and asks “How’s my little boy?” He never gets an answer. Parnell goes back to Jeremy’s side of the vehicle. The video is blurred, but the blogger assumes that he released Jeremy’s seat belt , and moved him. Something he saw made the officer blurt out “Oh my God”. You can hear him struggle to suppress several gags. He hears over his radio that Acadian is 1097, meaning on scene. This is the point where he decides there is nothing he can do and voices this to another officer.

I have only found one full length video on YouTube and will post that below.




One thought on “And the Truth Shall Set You Free… unless you are Greenhouse Jr, or Stafford

  1. Those cops are a bunch of dumbasses! No one bothered to do CPR or anything! The victims were jus left there to die. The officers were more worried about their stupid gloves! It’s unbelievable How the cops jus stood there. I’m assuming there was at least 10 to 15 officers. All jus stood there 😦 Please Lord I hope Justice prevails. God Bless that innocent child and his father.


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